Some good news from USP, Brasil!. Read below for more details. Besides that project is evolving slowly. I hope we can start the layout soon.Finances again
Werner has posted a lenghty message about the state of project finances, where he states "I'd estimate the total budget of the project that will still need covering, with pooled and individual costs at something like EUR 15'000-25'000", not counting other costs like usage of openmoko infrastructure and the components we'll be "offered".News from Brasil - USP
Some great news for us all. Werner went to Brasil this week, to USP (University of São Paulo) and was happy to tell us that Prof. Marcelo Knoerich Zuffo of the University of Sao Paulo (USP) has offered gta02-core the use of his SMT facility. As if this wasn't generous enough, all he asks for in return are a few of our prototypes for his team to play with.. There was much rejoice, because this opens way for quicker and cheaper production of the first prototypes. He also took a pic of the SMT facility. Many many thanks to Prof. Marcelo Zuffo, and to Jon "maddog" Hall for his help (although he declines all and any responsability for it :P). There was some discussion on the same thread about PCB manufacturers, their capabilities and cost. We have quite a lot to choose from, you can read all the gory details on the mailing list archives.Quotes of the week
It did not take a lot of convincing.
Jon "maddog" Hall
IIRC, we still have a hole where the connector for the external GPS antenna used to be.
Rask Ingemann Lambertsen
Heh, the things we do to make it into Alvaro's quotes of the week ;-)
Werner Almesberger
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